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Start up Your New Career Ventures With Delaware

Delaware is one of the world’s best business consulting firms. We help global leaders with their organization's
most critical issues and opportunities.

A Global Network

Committed to clients success, our professionals risks and opportunities.

Commitment to Innovation

Over 20 years we have been advising a diverse range of businesses.

Building Trusted Partnership

We partner with clients to work directly with them over the long-term.

About Us

Since 2000, we provide best service for our valuable clients.

We are a global management consulting firm that serves a private, public and social business sectors . We help our clients make significant and and realize their most important goals. Our world is an inflection point, with technology transforming our clients, our profession, and society at large.
Experience right to your home or office. Our design professionals are equipped to help you determine the products and work best for our customers.

Why Our Delaware

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system, and expound actual teachings the great explorer.
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Global Consulting

Who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally occurs in some great pleasure. Services for you from initial sketches to the final production.

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Our Cases

View all澳洲 日本 KAVE 泰國 越南 Modiz
West Side Place - 坐落澳洲墨爾本市中心黃金地段CBD Docklands大型地標項目, 🔝六星級酒店進駐 Ritz-Carlton 及 Dorsett Hotel,屬區內知名豪華公寓👍。
日本除了是香港人的旅遊必去國家,近年更成為香港人投資物業的大熱目標。當中有「千年古都」美譽之稱的KYOTO京都深受歡迎,不但現今仍保留有濃濃的歷史風味,其自然景色及旅遊地標亦引人入勝。今次iCanField想為大家介紹位於京都清水五條的 Kyoto Leben,旺中帶靜又交通方便的最新項目!
對於想要購買海外物業的香港人來說,泰國曼谷一直是一個引人注目的選擇。KAVE AVA建案是一個預期租金回報高的新樓盤,位於曼谷大學城區,為香港投資者提供了一個優秀機會,享受泰國的美景、文化和投資潛力。 位置優勢:KAVE AVA 位於曼谷大學城區,佔盡地理位置優勢,穩定學生及教師的租客來源。
對於想要購買海外物業的香港人來說,越南是一個極具升值潛力的選擇。The Minato位於海防市核心商業區,由日本發展商全資發展發管理,能夠盡享全市的景色及河景。
泰國曼谷新盤MODIZ Rhyme Ramkhamhaeng,低至71萬港幣起,現樓交收。即買即住即放租,包裝修,拎包入住又得。鄰近大學,購物中心。

We help our clients make significant and realize their most important goals.

Our Services


Finance & Restructuring

Committed to our clients success, our professionals risks and opportunities.

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Strategic Planning

We also have deep expertise in antitrust issues, mergers and acquisitions.

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Marketing & Sales

Our team supports clients high stakes arbitration and compliance.

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Strategic Communications

Our broad network with key influencers, we reaches the audience.

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Audit & Assurance

We can also assist with the recovery of assets lost to fraud and identify..

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Trades & Stocks

We also analyze financial data to assist companies with risk avoidance..

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Integrated Management, Process, and change Technologies

90 +
Countries Served
12 k +
Consultants Worldwide
72 +
Rewards and Accolades
20 +
Years in consulting

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